

坚持英语阅读是考研英语拿高分必须要做的一件事情。小编整理了一些与考研英语阅读同源文章,供同学们阅读,希望对大家有所 助。


eight teenagers have been admitted to children’s hospital of wisconsin in the last month withextreme coughs, shortness of breath, and fatigue.


they arrived needing help to breathe and were quickly hooked up to oxygen masks and givensteroids to help their lungs regain function.

他们抵达的时候,需要辅助呼吸,而且很快就戴上了氧气面罩,并被注射了类固醇来 助他们恢复肺部功能。

some had lost weight from vomiting and diarrhea . a wisconsin man was put into a medicallyinduced coma after arriving in the hospital with similar but more severe heart and lungdamage.


the wisconsin department of health services has three epidemiologists and a team from twobureaus working on finding answers.


but there’s one thing that the eight teenagers have in common: vaping.


although it’s unclear exactly what the teenagers had inhaled, according to the milwaukeejournal sentinel, they mentioned nicotine
and thc, and the department is continuing tointerview and investigate.


what is clear is that whatever they had inhaled was done through a vape pen, and it isdamaging their lungs.


the hospital says seeing that number of patients in such a short time frame is concerning, cbsaffiliate wdjt reports, and could be a sign of an impending vape-fueled healthcare crisis.


the news comes in the wake of juul, the embattled e-cig startup, testifying in front of thehouse committee on oversight and reform on juul’s role in the youth vaping epidemic .


eight out of 10 children don’t recognize that juuls can cause harm, cbs reports from thehearing, and that belief may stem in part from juul’s own marketing practices, tactics thatrepresentative ayana pressley (a democrat from massachusetts) said “seem to be right out ofthe big tobacco playbook.” that’s not all that surprising considering the company sold out tobig tobacco last year.




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