


if ambition is to be well regarded, the rewards of ambition—wealth, distinction, control over one’s destiny—must be deemed worthy of the sacrifices made on ambition’s behalf.

if the tradition of ambition is to have vitality, it must be widely shared; and it especially must be highly regarded by people who are themselves admired, the educated not least among them.

in an odd way, however, it is the educated who have claimed to have given up on ambition as an ideal.

what is odd is that they have perhaps most benefited from ambition—if not always their own then that of their parents and grandparents.

there is a heavy note of hypocrisy in this, a case of closing the barn door after the horses have escaped—with the educated themselves riding on them.




certainly people do not seem less interested in success and its signs now than formerly.

summer homes, european travel, bmws—the locations, place names and name brands may change, but such items do not seem less in demand today than a decade or two years ago.

what has happened is that people cannot confess fully to their dreams, as easily and openly as once they could, lest they be thought pushing, acquisitive and vulgar.

instead, we are treated to fine hypocritical spectacles, which now more than ever seem in ample supply: the critic of american materialism with a southampton summer home; the publisher of radical books who takes his meals in three-star restaurants; the journalist advocating participatory democracy in all phases of life, whose own children are enrolled in private schools.

for such people and many more perhaps not so exceptional, the proper formulation is, “succeed at all costs but avoid appearing ambitious.”




the attacks on ambition are many and come from various angles; its public defenders are few and unimpressive, where they are not extremely unattractive.

as a result, the support for ambition as a healthy impulse, a quality to be admired and fixed in the mind of the young, is probably lower than it has ever been in the united states.

this does not mean that ambition is at an end, that people no longer feel its stirrings and promptings, but only that, no longer openly honored, it is less openly professed.

consequences follow from this, of course, some of which are that ambition is driven underground, or made sly.

such, then, is the way things stand: on the left angry critics, on the right stupid supporters, and in the middle, as usual, the majority of earnest people trying to get on in life.




27. it is generally believed that ambition may be well regarded if .

a:its returns well compensate for the sacrifices

b:it is rewarded with money, fame and power

c:its goals are spiritual rather than material

d:it is shared by the rich and the famous


【定位】根据题干要害词be well regarded定位至第一段首句。该句指出, 宏愿若被正确看待,那么它带来的酬谢应值得为其所做的牺牲,即宏愿的收益抵偿了为其所做的牺牲。[a]正确。

【解密】正确项[a] 为首段句的同义改写, its returns对应原文the rewards of ambition;well compensate for对应be deemed worthy of。[b] 中money, fame, power顺次对应句中的wealth, distinction, control over one’s destiny, 但此处仅为宏愿获得酬谢的三个比方,选项未能将宏愿获认可的最重要的条件归纳出来。[c]根据原文“宏愿带来的酬谢一金钱、名誉、对命运

【总结】首段前两句以if条件句型阐明宏愿大约遭到我们注重和推重以及如何被注重、被推重。出题人此处设题意在查询考生对“宏愿被注重、被推重的条件条件”的精确了解,是对原文实际细节的查询。阅读题干, 发现题干复现原文词汇(be well regarded) , 关于此类标题, 考生一般要留心两种情况:一、题干中复现词汇(多为名词)在原文多个语句中呈现。这类考题一般是对发问主体的多处具体信息的查询。考生需要先断定大致期间或意群规模,然后再根据选项中的要害词具体定位某一句。二、题干中复现词汇只在原文某句呈现,这类题型比照简略,考生只需定位至原句即可。最终,考生要紧记这两种情况的根来历则是:题干十正确项=/≈原文中某句/句群信息。另外,若原文相应有些有举例阐明,考生要留心比方本身一般不是答案,比方的一起特征或举例的意图才可所以答案。本题归于第二种情况, 根据题干中复现词汇be well regarded灵敏断定首段句, 阅读选项, 发现题干+[a]是句的同义改写。[b]仅将原文比方做同义改写,并未总结比方相关于主题“宏愿”的一起特征, 有以偏概全之嫌。[c] 根据句中的三个比方过度引申。[d] 根据句中must be highly regardedby people who are themselves admired编造出the rich and the famous, 并杂糅单个词汇shared。

28. the last sentence of the first paragraph most probably implies that it is .

a:customary of the educated to discard ambition in words

b:too late to check ambition once it has been let out

c:dishonest to deny ambition after the fulfillment of the goal

d:impractical for the educated to enjoy benefits from ambition



【解密】末句后半有些以打比方做论据, 证明there is a heavy note of hypocrisy in this, 而this指代句中“受教育者从宏愿中获益但却声称扔掉宏愿”的内容。正确项[c]是对此三句的归纳总结, 其间dishonest对应hypocrisy, deny ambition after the fulfilment of the goal对应this的指代内容。[a] 仅是文中提及的细节内容, 但并未触及“受教育者声称扔掉宏愿”的本质:虚伪性。[b] 由closing the barndoor after the horse have escaped联想到谚语lock the barndoor after the horse is stolen“亡羊补牢,为时晚矣”,但脱离了上下文来了解句意。[d]与句内容“受教育者从宏愿中获益”相悖。

【总结】这篇文章首段论说受教育者的新鲜做法使得宏愿未遭到正确对待。末句以比方办法对受教育者的行径进行了深化形象的描写,将其虚伪展露无疑。出题人此处设题一方面查询考生对末句比方修辞转义和引申义的正确了解,另一方面查询考生对首段主旨的正确掌控。答复此类标题时,考生首要应精确了解句意, 了解修辞转义的一起又不要拘泥于转义。另外, 若句中有比方this, that, it等指代词,要联系前后文弄清其指代内容;然后,考生需联系期间或文章主旨,将转义做合理引申和归纳,选择与主旨内容相契合的选项即可。如本题,首要读懂所考语句的意思“这种行为很虚伪,就像是马出逃了才关上马厩门,而受教育者还在马上”, 可推知该句内容和“虚伪”有关;句中包括指代词this, 追溯上文弄清其指代意义“受教育者从宏愿中获益但却声称扔掉宏愿”的行为。联系期间主旨“宏愿未遭到我们正确对待”,不难推知[c]契合辞意。[a]仅是受教育者的表面行为,并未戳穿其本质。[b]过于拘泥于熟语的转义,未联系期间主旨做出合理引申。[d]与原文不符。

29. some people do not openly admit they have ambition because .

a:they think of it as immoral

b:their pursuits are not fame or wealth

c:ambition is not closely related to material benefits

d:they do not want to appear greedy and contemptible


【定位】根据题干要害词do not openly admit定位至第二段句people can not confess fully to their dreams。该句指出, 我们不能像早年那样坦承自个的愿望(即招认自个的宏愿) , 生怕别人认为自个急于求成、得寸进尺、庸俗不堪。[d]契合辞意。

【解密】本题题干和正确项[d] 构成了对第二段句的改写。do not openly admit they have ambition对应原文can not confess fully to their dreams, they do not want to appear对应lest they bethought, greedy and contemptible对应pushing, acquisitive and vulgar。[a]将句中“惧怕被别人认为急于求成等”篡改为“自个认为是不道德的”。[b]、[c]别离使用第二段句中呈现否定词的内容people do not seemless interested in/such items do not seemless in demand进行反向烦扰。该两句指出, 我们如今对成功及其标志的快乐喜爱不逊于早年, 夏天消暑别墅、欧洲旅行、宝马轿车等都是我们追逐的目标。因而可知,我们对成功标志的热忱自始自终,宏愿和物质利益亲近有关,[b]、[c]差错。

【总结】继首段介绍“宏愿遭到我们虚伪对待”的表象之后,本段分析缘由。出题人此处设题意在查询考生对第二段句所躲藏的“我们怀有宏愿却不宣之于口”的因果细节的精确掌控,一起该句为长难句(包括了what引导的主语从句、that引导的表语从句、lest引导的缘由状语从句和as…as…规划),为考生解读其间逻辑联络添加了必定难度。解题时,考生应首要根据题干信息定位至原文,查找句内或句际中提示因果联络的词语,然后分析题干与句中提示词后的内容因果逻辑是不是说得通,最终选择与文义相符的选项即可。如本题, 根据题干信息定位至第二段句, 查找本句发现句中呈现了表因果联络的词语lest, 此时考生需对lest之后的内容进行充分了解, 分析其是不是与题干构成因果联络, ?遣惶钩泻暝福?因为他们避免(或不想) 被人认为是贪婪的、名利的、庸俗的”, 逻辑树立。阅读选项发现[d] 是对lest后内容的同义改写。考生要特别留心, lest(避免) 暗含否定之意, 出题人很可以使用此点设置烦扰, 如本题[a] 选项, 因忽略lest的否定意义而将原文篡改为?侨衔暝甘遣坏赖碌摹保?[b] 、[c] 两项则使用原文中呈现否定词的内容进行烦扰。注:其他表因果联络且暗含否定的词语还有for fear that, be wary of,pre cautious against, avoid, avert等。

30. from the last paragraph the conclusion can be drawn that ambition should be maintained .

a:secretly and vigorously

b:openly and enthusiastically

c:easily and momentarily

d:verbally and spiritually



【解密】末段至句在描绘当下实际情况的一起,将作者对宏愿的情绪隐含在言外之意。一方面, 作者经过the support is…lower(撑持度降低) , no longer openly honored(不再得到揭露推重) , less openly professed(很少被揭露招认) , is driven underground, or made sly(被驱至地下或躲藏于胸) 等词汇指出宏愿遭到不公正对待, 我们不敢坦承胸怀宏愿;另一方面又经过a healthy impulse(一种安康的动力) , aquality to be admired and fixed(一种值得尊敬、值得培育的质量) 、stirrings((主意或打开的) 初步, 萌发) 、promptings(鼓励) 等词汇高度赞扬宏愿。可见, 作者认为宏愿大约作为一种杰出质量被揭露宏扬。[a] 是作者批判的做法。[c] 、[d] 别离使用文中单个词汇easily和openly设置无关烦扰。

【总结】末段作者虽未清楚标明对宏愿的情绪,但从言外之意暗示“宏愿本应被看做是一种活泼安康的质量”,流显露对“宏愿不得不被转人地下”的痛心怅惘。出题人此处设题实则查询考生对作者观念和文章主旨精确掌控的才能。答复此类标题时,考生首要需要通读全文或题干指定期间,掌控文章或期间主旨粗心;然后要点重视文中遣词的豪情颜色,特别是有关题干所问及事物或作业的词语的豪情颜色,从中调查作者对该事物或作业的观念情绪。如本题, 根据题干中ambition should be maintained可初步揣度本题查询作者对“宏愿该被如何对待”的观念。首要总结末段主旨粗心“我们对宏愿的进犯多于维护,宏愿认可度降为史上最低,我们不敢坦承宏愿,而是躲藏于胸”;然后找出作者关于“宏愿”的遣词(详见上文“出题解密”),发现作者对宏愿高度赞扬,对宏愿被躲藏于胸的做法痛心不满。由此,推知作者认为宏愿不该被躲藏起来,而应坦承揭露。



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