
??j.k. rowling stupefies fans by revealing the truth around the origins of ‘harry potter’


[1] for years, fans of the beloved “harry potter”?franchise?have?flocked to?edinburgh, scotland, to visit the sites where author j.k. rowling had reportedly started writing the series.?but now, rowling has revealed edinburgh is actually not where the writing of the boy who lived began. 多年来,深受喜爱的《哈利波特》系列小说的粉丝们纷繁涌向苏格兰的爱丁堡,赏识作者传说中j.k.罗琳初步创造该系列小说的当地。但如今,罗琳泄露爱丁堡实践上不是《哈利波特》的来历地。

词汇:franchise 原意指特许运营权,这儿指作品系列?? flock to 涌向,三五成群前往

[2] “i was renting a room in a flat over what was then a sports shop,” rowling said on twitter, with an image of where she?resided?at the time of writing the first book. “the first bricks of hogwarts were laid in a flat in clapham junction.” and fans were — to borrow from the books — were essentially?petrified. 罗琳在推特上说:“我其时租了一间公寓,后来这儿变成了一家体育用品商铺。”她她还附上了自个写作第一本书时住处的相片。“霍格沃茨的第一块砖是在克拉彭路口的一间公寓里砌的(即霍格沃兹学院的描写是在一间公寓里结束的)。”而粉丝们——用书中的话来说——都惊呆了。

词汇:reside 居住?? petrified 呆若木鸡的

[3] the news came after a fan posted a picture on twitter of the elephant house, a coffee shop in edinburgh which on its website describes itself as the place “made famous as the place of inspiration to writers such as j.k. rowling, who sat writing much of her early novels in the back room overlooking edinburgh castle.” the fan asked rowling to explain “the truth about this ‘birthplace’ of harry potter.” 一位粉丝在twitter上发了一张爱丁堡大象咖啡馆的相片,在这家咖啡馆的页面上称此处“因j.k.罗琳等作家在此获得构思而知名。其时,j.k.罗琳就是坐在可以仰视爱丁堡城堡的咖啡馆里结束她前期的小说的。”这位粉丝需求罗琳对哈利波特的来历作出说明。这之后,新闻灵敏发酵。

句型:the news came after a fan posted a picture on twitter of the elephant house, a coffee shop in edinburgh which on its website describes itself as the place “made famous as the place of inspiration to writers such as j.k. rowling, who sat writing much of her early novels in the back room overlooking edinburgh castle.” 本句较长,中心骨干是the news came …,标明前文作业发生的缘由,后订亲语从句有些的中心规划是describe a as b(将a描绘为b)


[4] rowling, who is known to drop various bombshells and unknown?tidbits?about the franchise on twitter, explained that the real “pen to paper” birth of harry potter himself, happened in her flat. 众所周知,罗琳常常在推特上发布各种爆破性消息和一些不为人知的道听途说。她说明说,哈利波特真实落笔是在她的公寓里。

词汇:drop bombshells 爆料?? tidbit 花边新闻?? pen to paper 动笔

[5] for instance, i never visited this bookshop in oporto. never even knew of its existence! it’s beautiful and i wish i *had* visited it, but it has nothing to do with hogwarts! —?j.k. rowling (@jk_rowling) may 21, 2021 例如,我从未去过波尔图的这家书店。我甚至不晓得它的存在!这家书店很美,我真期望我早年去过,但它跟霍格沃茨一点联络都没有! —— j.k.罗琳(@jk_rowling) 2021年5月21日

词汇:has nothing to do with 与……无关

句型:i wish i had visited it. wish的宾语从句中,had done是虚拟口气,标明与曩昔实际相反

[6] however, she said, the moment where she had the idea for the series itself was while she was riding on a train.?”if you define the birthplace of harry potter as the moment when i had the initial idea, then it was a manchester-london train,” rowling tweeted. “but i’m perennially?amused by the idea that hogwarts was directly inspired by beautiful places i saw or visited, because it’s so far from the truth.” 可是,她说坐火车的时分,她发生了创造这个系列的主意。罗琳在推特上写道:“假定你把哈利波特的诞生地界说为我开始发生这个主意的时刻,那就是在从曼彻斯特到伦敦的火车上。”“但霍格沃茨则是受我曾看到或去过的当地的启示,这种主意(哈利波特来历于爱丁堡)老是让我觉得好笑,因为这与实际相去甚远。”

词汇:initial idea 开始主意?? perennially 耐久地,老是??

句型:it’s so far from the truth. 意为不契合实际

[7] as for the high flying,?bludger?smashing game of quidditch, rowling said it was birthed in 1991 after a one-night stay at the bourneville hotel in manchester. rowling went on to dispel?some of the other rumors around her inspirations for key icons from the harry potter world. 罗琳说,至于《魁地奇》中高飞球和游走球的精彩呈现则是诞生于1991年,其时她在曼彻斯特的布尔内维尔酒店住了一晚。罗琳持续弄清了一些关于《哈利波特》世界里的要害人物构思的传言。

词汇:high flying 高飞球?? bludger smashing game 游走球?? quidditch 魁地奇?? dispel 消除

key icon 要害人物

[8] for example, a fan tweeted a picture from the bookstore livraria lello, in porto, portugal, that supposedly inspired the hogwarts library. the only trouble is, rowling said she has never been there. 例如,一个粉丝在推特上发了一张来自葡萄牙波尔图的livraria lello书店的相片,传闻这家书店激起了霍格沃茨图书馆的构思。仅有的费事是,罗琳说她历来没有去过那里。

词汇:supposedly 传闻的


[9] she did acknowledge that she wrote in a cafe in rua santa catarina, portugal. “if it cheers up the people who’re disappointed about the bookshop in oporto, i wrote in here sometimes,” she wrote. “this was probably the most beautiful café i
ever wrote in, actually.” rowling also said that rumors around her inspiration for hogwarts itself?miss the mark?as well. “i sometimes hear hogwarts was based on one or other of edinburgh’s schools, but that’s 100% false, too,” rowling said. “hogwarts was created long before i clapped eyes on any of them! i did finish hallows in the balmoral, though, and i can’t lie, i’d rate it?a smidge?higher than the bournville.” 她招认的确在在葡萄牙圣塔卡塔琳娜的一家咖啡馆里写作。“假定这能让那些对波尔图的书店感到绝望的人高鼓起来,我有时会在这儿写信,”她写道。“实际上,这可所以我去过的最美的咖啡馆。”罗琳还说,关于她的霍格沃茨构思来历的传闻的确是谣言。“我有时传闻霍格沃茨是根据爱丁堡的某所学校改编的,但那也是百分之百的差错。”罗琳说。“早在我到这些当地之前,霍格沃茨就现已存在了!不过,我的确在巴尔莫勒尔结束了《去世圣器》。我不能说谎,我觉得巴尔默勒尔比伯恩维尔要好一点儿。”

词汇:miss the mark 没打中方针?? clap eyes on 看见?? a smidge higher = a bit higher 高一点

[10] out of all the “utter nonsense about potter landmarks,” rowling said her favorite is people going to a parking meter she supposedly used in edinburgh while writing the “deathly hallows.” “i can’t drive,” she wrote. 罗琳说,在一切“有关哈利波特别标建筑的无稽之谈”中,她最喜爱的是我们走向那些传说她在爱丁堡写《去世圣器》时运用的计费器。“我不会开车,”她写道。

词汇:utter nonsense 无稽之谈?? parking meter 泊车计时器


[11] i made the mistake of mentioning quidditch in this thread and i’m now receiving the usual complaints. i’ve already explained. —?j.k. rowling (@jk_rowling) may 21, 2021 我犯了一个差错,在这个帖子里说到了魁地奇,如今我收到了我们的诉苦。我现已说明过了。—— j.k.罗琳(@jk_rowling) 2021年5月21日

词汇:make the mistake 犯差错?? thread 网站帖子


[12] unfortunately, when it comes to any?spoilers?about upcoming work, dumbledore voiced disappointment best: “alas, earwax.” 意外的是,在剧透即将开拍的作品时,邓布利多表达了他的绝望:“唉,谣言。”

词汇:spoiler 剧透?? voice 表达?? alas 唉,标明感叹?? earwax? 耳屎,这儿指谣言谣传好久了


??? 整篇报导的主题清楚,即《哈利波特》系列作品j. k.罗琳关于各种源起新闻进行驳斥谣言

1-2. 作者驳斥谣言:爱丁堡不是故事的来历地

3-6. 阐明谣言的前因成果和真实情况

7-12. 其他谣言进行逐个驳斥谣言

中英文对照来自 @雅思哥????


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