


you are what you eat—and what you eat may be encoded in your dna. studies have indicated that your genetics play a role in?determining the foods you find delicious or disgusting. but exactly how big a role they play has been difficult to pin down. “everything has a genetic component, even if it’s small,” says?joanne cole, a geneticist and an assistant professor at the university of colorado school of medicine. “we know that there is some genetic contribution to why we eat the foods we eat. can we take the next step and actually pinpoint the regions in the genome?”




new research led by cole has gotten a step closer. through a large-scale genomics analysis, her team has identified 481 genome regions, or loci, that were directly linked to dietary patterns and food preferences. the findings, which have not yet been peer-reviewed, were presented last month at the?american society for nutrition’s annual flagship conference.?




they build on a 2020nature communications study by cole and her colleagues that used data from the u.k. biobank, a public database of the genetic and health information of 500,000 participants. by scanning genomes, the new analysis was able to home in on 194 regions associated with dietary patterns and 287 linked to specific foods such as fruit, cheese, fish, tea and alcohol. further understanding how genetics impact how we eat could reveal differences in nutritional needs or disease risks.




“one of the problems with a lot of these genomics studies is that they’re very small. they don’t have enough people to really be able to identify genes in ways that are credible. this study had a huge cohort of people, so that’s really powerful,” says?monica dus, an associate professor at the university of michigan, who wasn’t a part of the new research but studies?the relationship between genes and nutrition. “the other thing that i thought was really great is that they have so many different traits that they’re measuring in respect to diet. they had cholesterol, the body, socioeconomic backgrounds.”




as the research advances, dus says such genome analyses could possibly help health care providers—and even policymakers—address larger issues that affect food access and health. “instead of trying to obsess over telling people to eat this or that, a more powerful intervention is to link it to making sure there aren’t ‘food deserts’ or to make sure that there’s a higher minimum wage—things that have a broader impact,” she says.


随着研究的推进,杜斯说,这样的基因组分析可能对提供医疗保健的机构有所 助,甚至政策制定者也会获益,让他们可以解决影响获取食物和健康这样更大的问题。她说:“与其纠结于告诉人们吃这个或吃那个,更有力的干预措施是将其与确保没有‘食品荒漠’或确保提高最低工资标准(让大家吃得上)——这些事情有更广泛的影响。”



本文节选自:scientific american(科学美国人)


作者:lauren j. young

原文标题:your genes may influence what you like to eat





v. 把……译成密码(或电码); 给(计算机程序)编码; 用外语表达; (基因)对生成(某种物质或行为)负责,给……编码



n.确切地点;抽象事物的中心;位点;轨迹(locus 的复数)




n. (有共同特点或举止类同的)一群人,一批人; 同伙,支持者; (古罗马)步兵队


4. issue

n. 议题,争论点; (报纸、杂志等的)期,号; 发放,分配; (新股票或邮票等的)发行; 子女,后嗣; 流出,发出; 结果,后果
v. 发表,颁布; 分发,分配; 正式发行; 流出,发出; 由……产生,由……得出



n. 工资,报酬; (经济)工资总额; (喻)报应
v. 进行,发动(战争,运动)



1.pin down 强迫(某人)就某事作出明确的陈述或决定;确定(某事)的确切情况




but exactly how big a role they play has been difficult to pin down.

结构:but exactly how big a role … play has been difficult to pin down.


例句:but exactly how big a role cram schools play has been difficult to pin down.????


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